Clubs at BGSIRS
Dance and Music Club
We at BGSIRS believe in the overall development of a child. Apart from Academics, we encourage kids to learn various forms of Dance and Music.
A substantial amount of time is invested in teaching kids to learn Music and Dance, which are vital in the physical and emotional development of children.
Trained and skilled musicians and dancers from different parts of the country, who have dedicated their lives for this art form impart this art to our children, ensuring their overall development and wellbeing.

Art and Craft Club
Art is an essential part of every child’s personal growth. Allowing the child to express his or her innate abilities to find expression in the form of art is essential for the child’s overall development.
Children at BGS are trained in different forms of Art and Craft which is given equal importance as that of the academics. We are not here to produce only scientists and engineers, BGS aims in producing artists, painters, dancers and singers.
Children practise singing, dance and music with a dedicated approach under the guidance of Professions Artists who are among the top artists in the country currently.
Our Art Club is designed for this specific purpose to encourage a dedicated approach for various forms of Art and Craft.

Mathematics Club
Archimedes – the father of Mathematics once said, “There are things which seem incredible to most men who have not studied Mathematics.”
Our Mathematics club encourages our young mathematicians to unleash their innate genius, potential and capabilities.
Children take part in quiz competitions, solve complex mathematical problems and riddles, create projects on various topics and take part in competitions at national level.
We focus on building their problem solving ability which plays a major role in their growth and development to handle their life situations effectively.
Problem Solving ability makes children self reliant and independent, which is a quintessential quality required to handle their life effortlessly.

Eco Club
Our Eco Club is an initiative to promote awareness about Ecology and the vital role it plays in our lives.
Children learn to spend time with Trees and Plants, where they get to clearly see that we as human beings are part of an ecosystem and not a separate existence by ourselves.
Imparting this idea in children at an early age that we are all a part of this ecosystem and not a separate existence by ourselves plays a crucial role in tapping their inner human intelligence. Children learn to live in harmony with everything around them, this life sensitivity adds a completely different quality to their life and leads to their life fulfilment over a period of time.

Health and Wellness Club
One of the most important aspects we as an institution promote is the health and well-being of our kids.
Fitness is given prime importance to our kids which will pay off big time in the long run. A mind and body well exercised is a powerful and wonderful tool to have in anyone’s life.
Yoga, Meditation, Sports, Maintaining a proper diet is taught to our kids by trained professionals, promoting overall wellbeing to our children along with their academic curriculum.
Children learn to play, live strong, and the importance of maintaining a proper diet to keep themselves fit, enabling them to go through their life effortlessly with ease and joy.

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Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Telephone: +91 9606283332
School Hours: Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 3:00 pm