Seize the Day!
BGSIRS steeps into tradition, imparts knowledge and equips teachers with culture and values. Concordant to the fact, the well-designed Teacher Orientation Program commenced with a divine song and the Principal’s Address.
The 5 L’s , a new vista into the future, created an eclectic thought to spur teachers to move forward. The speech centred around creating life long learners and the brand ambassadors – BGSIRS teachers who are at the forefront of shaping young minds and nurturing the future generation. Each child is unique and maintaining professional decorum and etiquette resonated the Auditorium. The Principal had the honour of catering to bring smiles to the venue to make the journey a memorable one.
It served as a platform for new teachers to meet and connect with the culture of the school , its unique set of policies and procedures. Teachers gained insights into famous quotes – the best one being ,”Be Roman when in Rome” which depicted that one should stay connected to the school community from day one. “No one can whistle a symphony, it takes a whole orchestra to play it ,”was the final message by the Principal.
BGSIRS, the true epitome of Education, never compromises with the resources available at the fingerprints of the young minds to apply and improve the world. In sync to the aforementioned statement we had the expertise Mr. Abhijit from Ulipsu who highlighted the 21st century new-generation skills. To embellish the child’s artistic finesse, Mr. Abhijit emphasized that repetition is the mother of skill. His talk accentuated on creating a unique skill portfolio elevating AI, Coding, Critical Thinking Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Creative Skills, Technical Skills, New-Age Skills and the challenges that hinder skilling to ensure that students become future ready.